Berlin, 22.06.2011
Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle has appointed Harald Leibrecht (MP) as the new Coordinator for Transatlantic Cooperation. This decision was taken in agreement with the Federal Chancellor.
Like the other Government Commissioners, the new Coordinator is to be approved by the Federal Cabinet in the very near future.
Harald Leibrecht, who was born in the US and has German as well as US nationality, has focused on the transatlantic relationship for many years, especially on cooperation between universities.
He is deputy chair of the Subcommittee on Cultural and Education Policy Abroad, and in this function too he has been intensively engaged in transatlantic relations, specifically in academic and scientific exchange and the work done by the branches of the Goethe-Institut.
Foreign Minister Westerwelle issued the following statement concerning his decision today (22 June 2011):
“Harald Leibrecht epitomizes the particularly close relationship between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany, not only in the field of politics but also through his own life. Due to his personal background he will have a great impact in civil society.”
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