Donnerstag, 12. August 2010

Al-Qaeda back in Iraq? Islamophobia the new red scare? The Alyona Show, 12 August, 2010

The Alyona Show: Al-Qaeda back in Iraq? Islamophobia the new red scare?

Al-Qaeda is already working its way back into the pockets of Iraqi's. According to the Guardian, al-Qaeda has begun enticing former Sunni allies to rejoin their forces, by paying them more than they currently receive from the government. What can we make of a US departure and of Petraeus' strategy, if everything goes back to the way it was seven years ago? Does it prove that money, not the promises of democracy, is what really wins hearts and minds? Lawrence Wilkerson, retired Army Colonel and former chief of staff to Colin Powell told us the Iraqi people actually don’t want al-Qaeda there.

On the home front, American Muslims are facing rising Islamophobia from their fellow Americans. Why is the US is caught up in this fear and who is fueling the xenophobic attitude. Politicians are using the peoples' fears to their advantage, and making them worse. It's almost as if Islamophobia has become the new communism, the new red scare. Hani Madhoun blogger at Kabobfest debated with Dr. Zuhdi Jasser President and Founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy who says political Islam is radical Islam.

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